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Pytest Plugin Reference


Playwright provides a Pytest plugin to write end-to-end tests. To get started with it, refer to the getting started guide.


To run your tests, use Pytest CLI.

pytest --browser webkit --headed

If you want to add the CLI arguments automatically without specifying them, you can use the pytest.ini file:

# content of pytest.ini
# Run firefox with UI
addopts = --headed --browser firefox

CLI arguments

Note that CLI arguments are only applied to the default browser, context and page fixtures. If you create a browser, a context or a page with the API call like browser.new_context(), the CLI arguments are not applied.

  • --headed: Run tests in headed mode (default: headless).
  • --browser: Run tests in a different browser chromium, firefox, or webkit. It can be specified multiple times (default: chromium).
  • --browser-channel Browser channel to be used.
  • --slowmo Slows down Playwright operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on (default: 0).
  • --device Device to be emulated.
  • --output Directory for artifacts produced by tests (default: test-results).
  • --tracing Whether to record a trace for each test. on, off, or retain-on-failure (default: off).
  • --video Whether to record video for each test. on, off, or retain-on-failure (default: off).
  • --screenshot Whether to automatically capture a screenshot after each test. on, off, or only-on-failure (default: off).
  • --full-page-screenshot Whether to take a full page screenshot on failure. By default, only the viewport is captured. Requires --screenshot to be enabled (default: off).


This plugin configures Playwright-specific fixtures for pytest. To use these fixtures, use the fixture name as an argument to the test function.

def test_my_app_is_working(fixture_name):
# Test using fixture_name
# ...

Function scope: These fixtures are created when requested in a test function and destroyed when the test ends.

Session scope: These fixtures are created when requested in a test function and destroyed when all tests end.

  • playwright: Playwright instance.
  • browser_type: BrowserType instance of the current browser.
  • browser: Browser instance launched by Playwright.
  • browser_name: Browser name as string.
  • browser_channel: Browser channel as string.
  • is_chromium, is_webkit, is_firefox: Booleans for the respective browser types.

Customizing fixture options: For browser and context fixtures, use the following fixtures to define custom launch options.

Its also possible to override the context options (browser.new_context()) for a single test by using the browser_context_args marker:

import pytest

@pytest.mark.browser_context_args(timezone_id="Europe/Berlin", locale="en-GB")
def test_browser_context_args(page):
assert page.evaluate("window.navigator.userAgent") == "Europe/Berlin"
assert page.evaluate("window.navigator.languages") == ["de-DE"]

Parallelism: Running Multiple Tests at Once

If your tests are running on a machine with a lot of CPUs, you can speed up the overall execution time of your test suite by using pytest-xdist to run multiple tests at once:

# install dependency
pip install pytest-xdist
# use the --numprocesses flag
pytest --numprocesses auto

Depending on the hardware and nature of your tests, you can set numprocesses to be anywhere from 2 to the number of CPUs on the machine. If set too high, you may notice unexpected behavior.

See Running Tests for general information on pytest options.


Configure typings for auto-completion
from playwright.sync_api import Page

def test_visit_admin_dashboard(page: Page):
# ...

If you're using VSCode with Pylance, these types can be inferred by enabling the python.testing.pytestEnabled setting so you don't need the type annotation.

Using multiple contexts

In order to simulate multiple users, you can create multiple BrowserContext instances.
from playwright.sync_api import Page, BrowserContext
from pytest_playwright.pytest_playwright import CreateContextCallback

def test_foo(page: Page, new_context: CreateContextCallback) -> None:
context = new_context()
page2 = context.new_page()
# page and page2 are in different contexts

Skip test by browser
import pytest

def test_visit_example(page):
# ...

Run on a specific browser
import pytest

def test_visit_example(page):
# ...

Run with a custom browser channel like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

pytest --browser-channel chrome
def test_example(page):

Configure base-url

Start Pytest with the base-url argument. The pytest-base-url plugin is used for that which allows you to set the base url from the config, CLI arg or as a fixture.

pytest --base-url http://localhost:8080
def test_visit_example(page):
# -> Will result in http://localhost:8080/admin

Ignore HTTPS errors
import pytest

def browser_context_args(browser_context_args):
return {
"ignore_https_errors": True

Use custom viewport size
import pytest

def browser_context_args(browser_context_args):
return {
"viewport": {
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080,

Device emulation / BrowserContext option overrides
import pytest

def browser_context_args(browser_context_args, playwright):
iphone_11 = playwright.devices['iPhone 11 Pro']
return {

Or via the CLI --device="iPhone 11 Pro"

Using with unittest.TestCase

See the following example for using it with unittest.TestCase. This has a limitation, that only a single browser can be specified and no matrix of multiple browsers gets generated when specifying multiple.

import pytest
import unittest

from playwright.sync_api import Page

class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setup(self, page: Page): = page

def test_foobar(self):"")"#foobar").click()
assert"1 + 1") == 2


Use with pdb

Use the breakpoint() statement in your test code to pause execution and get a pdb REPL.

def test_bing_is_working(page):
# ...

Deploy to CI

See the guides for CI providers to deploy your tests to CI/CD.

Async Fixtures

If you want to use async fixtures, you can use the pytest-playwright-asyncio plugin. Make sure to use pytest-asyncio>=0.24.0 and make your tests use of loop_scope=session.

import pytest
from playwright.async_api import Page

async def test_foo(page: Page):
await page.goto("")
# ...