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(Experimental) Service Worker Network Events



If you're looking to do general network mocking, routing, and interception, please see the Network Guide first. Playwright provides built-in APIs for this use case that don't require the information below. However, if you're interested in requests made by Service Workers themselves, please read below.

Service Workers provide a browser-native method of handling requests made by a page with the native Fetch API (fetch) along with other network-requested assets (like scripts, css, and images).

They can act as a network proxy between the page and the external network to perform caching logic or can provide users with an offline experience if the Service Worker adds a FetchEvent listener.

Many sites that use Service Workers simply use them as a transparent optimization technique. While users might notice a faster experience, the app's implementation is unaware of their existence. Running the app with or without Service Workers enabled appears functionally equivalent.

How to Enable

Playwright's inspection and routing of requests made by Service Workers are experimental and disabled by default.

Set the PW_EXPERIMENTAL_SERVICE_WORKER_NETWORK_EVENTS environment variable to 1 (or any other value) to enable the feature. Only Chrome/Chromium are currently supported.

If you're using (or are interested in using this this feature), please comment on this issue letting us know your use case.

Service Worker Fetch

Accessing Service Workers and Waiting for Activation

You can use browserContext.serviceWorkers() to list the Service Workers, or specifically watch for the Service Worker if you anticipate a page will trigger its registration:

const serviceWorkerPromise = context.waitForEvent('serviceworker');
await page.goto('/example-with-a-service-worker.html');
const serviceworker = await serviceWorkerPromise;

browserContext.on('serviceworker') is fired before the Service Worker's main script has been evaluated, so before calling serviceworker.evaluate() you should wait on its activation.

There are more idiomatic methods of waiting for a Service Worker to be activated, but the following is an implementation agnostic method:

await page.evaluate(async () => {
const registration = await window.navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration();
if ( === 'activated')
await new Promise(res =>
window.navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', res),

Network Events and Routing

Any network request made by the Service Worker will have:

Additionally, any network request made by the Page (including its sub-Frames) will have:

Many Service Worker implementations simply execute the request from the page (possibly with some custom caching/offline logic omitted for simplicity):

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
// actually make the request
const responsePromise = fetch(event.request);
// send it back to the page

self.addEventListener('activate', event => {

If a page registers the above Service Worker:

<!-- filename: index.html -->
window.registrationPromise = navigator.serviceWorker.register('/transparent-service-worker.js');

On the first visit to the page via page.goto(), the following Request/Response events would be emitted (along with the corresponding network lifecycle events):

browserContext.on('request')Service Workertransparent-service-worker.jsYes
browserContext.on('request')Service Workerdata.jsonYes

Since the example Service Worker just acts a basic transparent "proxy":

  • There's 2 browserContext.on('request') events for data.json; one Frame-owned, the other Service Worker-owned.
  • Only the Service Worker-owned request for the resource was routable via browserContext.route(); the Frame-owned events for data.json are not routeable, as they would not have even had the possibility to hit the external network since the Service Worker has a fetch handler registered.

It's important to note: calling request.frame() or response.frame() will throw an exception, if called on a Request/Response that has a non-null request.serviceWorker().

Advanced Example

When a Service Worker handles a page's request, the Service Worker can make 0 to n requests to the external network. The Service Worker might respond directly from a cache, generate a response in memory, rewrite the request, make two requests and then combine into 1, etc.

Consider the code snippets below to understand Playwright's view into the Request/Responses and how it impacts routing in some of these cases.

self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
event.waitUntil('v1').then(function(cache) {
// 1. Pre-fetches and caches /addressbook.json
return cache.add('/addressbook.json');

// Opt to handle FetchEvent's from the page
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
(async () => {
// 1. Try to first serve directly from caches
const response = await caches.match(event.request);
if (response)
return response;

// 2. Re-write request for /foo to /bar
if (event.request.url.endsWith('foo'))
return fetch('./bar');

// 3. Prevent tracker.js from being retrieved, and returns a placeholder response
if (event.request.url.endsWith('tracker.js')) {
return new Response('console.log("no trackers!")', {
status: 200,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/javascript' },

// 4. Otherwise, fallthrough, perform the fetch and respond
return fetch(event.request);

self.addEventListener('activate', event => {

And a page that simply registers the Service Worker:

<!-- filename: index.html -->
window.registrationPromise = navigator.serviceWorker.register('/complex-service-worker.js');

On the first visit to the page via page.goto(), the following Request/Response events would be emitted:

browserContext.on('request')Service Workercomplex-service-worker.jsYes
browserContext.on('request')Service Workeraddressbook.jsonYes

It's important to note that cache.add caused the Service Worker to make a request (Service Worker-owned), even before addressbook.json was asked for in the page.

Once the Service Worker is activated and handling FetchEvents, if the page makes the following requests:

await page.evaluate(() => fetch('/addressbook.json'));
await page.evaluate(() => fetch('/foo'));
await page.evaluate(() => fetch('/tracker.js'));
await page.evaluate(() => fetch('/fallthrough.txt'));

The following Request/Response events would be emitted:

browserContext.on('request')Service WorkerbarYes
browserContext.on('request')Service Workerfallthrough.txtYes

It's important to note:

  • The page requested /foo, but the Service Worker requested /bar, so there are only Frame-owned events for /foo, but not /bar.
  • Likewise, the Service Worker never hit the network for tracker.js, so only Frame-owned events were emitted for that request.

Routing Service Worker Requests Only

await context.route('**', async route => {
if (route.request().serviceWorker()) {
// NB: calling route.request().frame() here would THROW
return route.fulfill({
contentType: 'text/plain',
status: 200,
body: 'from sw',
} else {
return route.continue();

Known Limitations

Requests for updated Service Worker main script code currently cannot be routed (