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FrameLocator represents a view to the iframe on the page. It captures the logic sufficient to retrieve the iframe and locate elements in that iframe. FrameLocator can be created with either locator.contentFrame(), page.frameLocator() or locator.frameLocator() method.

const locator = page.locator('#my-frame').contentFrame().getByText('Submit');


Frame locators are strict. This means that all operations on frame locators will throw if more than one element matches a given selector.

// Throws if there are several frames in DOM:
await page.locator('.result-frame').contentFrame().getByRole('button').click();

// Works because we explicitly tell locator to pick the first frame:
await page.locator('.result-frame').contentFrame().first().getByRole('button').click();

Converting Locator to FrameLocator

If you have a Locator object pointing to an iframe it can be converted to FrameLocator using locator.contentFrame().

Converting FrameLocator to Locator

If you have a FrameLocator object it can be converted to Locator pointing to the same iframe using frameLocator.owner().



Added in: v1.17 frameLocator.frameLocator

When working with iframes, you can create a frame locator that will enter the iframe and allow selecting elements in that iframe.




  • selector string#

    A selector to use when resolving DOM element.



Added in: v1.27 frameLocator.getByAltText

Allows locating elements by their alt text.


For example, this method will find the image by alt text "Playwright logo":

<img alt='Playwright logo'>
await page.getByAltText('Playwright logo').click();


  • text string | RegExp#

    Text to locate the element for.

  • options Object (optional)

    • exact boolean (optional)#

      Whether to find an exact match: case-sensitive and whole-string. Default to false. Ignored when locating by a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.



Added in: v1.27 frameLocator.getByLabel

Allows locating input elements by the text of the associated <label> or aria-labelledby element, or by the aria-label attribute.


For example, this method will find inputs by label "Username" and "Password" in the following DOM:

<input aria-label="Username">
<label for="password-input">Password:</label>
<input id="password-input">
await page.getByLabel('Username').fill('john');
await page.getByLabel('Password').fill('secret');


  • text string | RegExp#

    Text to locate the element for.

  • options Object (optional)

    • exact boolean (optional)#

      Whether to find an exact match: case-sensitive and whole-string. Default to false. Ignored when locating by a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.



Added in: v1.27 frameLocator.getByPlaceholder

Allows locating input elements by the placeholder text.


For example, consider the following DOM structure.

<input type="email" placeholder="" />

You can fill the input after locating it by the placeholder text:

await page


  • text string | RegExp#

    Text to locate the element for.

  • options Object (optional)

    • exact boolean (optional)#

      Whether to find an exact match: case-sensitive and whole-string. Default to false. Ignored when locating by a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.



Added in: v1.27 frameLocator.getByRole

Allows locating elements by their ARIA role, ARIA attributes and accessible name.


Consider the following DOM structure.

<h3>Sign up</h3>
<input type="checkbox" /> Subscribe

You can locate each element by it's implicit role:

await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Sign up' })).toBeVisible();

await page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Subscribe' }).check();

await page.getByRole('button', { name: /submit/i }).click();


  • role "alert" | "alertdialog" | "application" | "article" | "banner" | "blockquote" | "button" | "caption" | "cell" | "checkbox" | "code" | "columnheader" | "combobox" | "complementary" | "contentinfo" | "definition" | "deletion" | "dialog" | "directory" | "document" | "emphasis" | "feed" | "figure" | "form" | "generic" | "grid" | "gridcell" | "group" | "heading" | "img" | "insertion" | "link" | "list" | "listbox" | "listitem" | "log" | "main" | "marquee" | "math" | "meter" | "menu" | "menubar" | "menuitem" | "menuitemcheckbox" | "menuitemradio" | "navigation" | "none" | "note" | "option" | "paragraph" | "presentation" | "progressbar" | "radio" | "radiogroup" | "region" | "row" | "rowgroup" | "rowheader" | "scrollbar" | "search" | "searchbox" | "separator" | "slider" | "spinbutton" | "status" | "strong" | "subscript" | "superscript" | "switch" | "tab" | "table" | "tablist" | "tabpanel" | "term" | "textbox" | "time" | "timer" | "toolbar" | "tooltip" | "tree" | "treegrid" | "treeitem"#

    Required aria role.

  • options Object (optional)

    • checked boolean (optional)#

      An attribute that is usually set by aria-checked or native <input type=checkbox> controls.

      Learn more about aria-checked.

    • disabled boolean (optional)#

      An attribute that is usually set by aria-disabled or disabled.


      Unlike most other attributes, disabled is inherited through the DOM hierarchy. Learn more about aria-disabled.

    • exact boolean (optional) Added in: v1.28#

      Whether name is matched exactly: case-sensitive and whole-string. Defaults to false. Ignored when name is a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.

    • expanded boolean (optional)#

      An attribute that is usually set by aria-expanded.

      Learn more about aria-expanded.

    • includeHidden boolean (optional)#

      Option that controls whether hidden elements are matched. By default, only non-hidden elements, as defined by ARIA, are matched by role selector.

      Learn more about aria-hidden.

    • level number (optional)#

      A number attribute that is usually present for roles heading, listitem, row, treeitem, with default values for <h1>-<h6> elements.

      Learn more about aria-level.

    • name string | RegExp (optional)#

      Option to match the accessible name. By default, matching is case-insensitive and searches for a substring, use exact to control this behavior.

      Learn more about accessible name.

    • pressed boolean (optional)#

      An attribute that is usually set by aria-pressed.

      Learn more about aria-pressed.

    • selected boolean (optional)#

      An attribute that is usually set by aria-selected.

      Learn more about aria-selected.



Role selector does not replace accessibility audits and conformance tests, but rather gives early feedback about the ARIA guidelines.

Many html elements have an implicitly defined role that is recognized by the role selector. You can find all the supported roles here. ARIA guidelines do not recommend duplicating implicit roles and attributes by setting role and/or aria-* attributes to default values.


Added in: v1.27 frameLocator.getByTestId

Locate element by the test id.


Consider the following DOM structure.

<button data-testid="directions">Itinéraire</button>

You can locate the element by it's test id:

await page.getByTestId('directions').click();




By default, the data-testid attribute is used as a test id. Use selectors.setTestIdAttribute() to configure a different test id attribute if necessary.

// Set custom test id attribute from @playwright/test config:
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
use: {
testIdAttribute: 'data-pw'


Added in: v1.27 frameLocator.getByText

Allows locating elements that contain given text.

See also locator.filter() that allows to match by another criteria, like an accessible role, and then filter by the text content.


Consider the following DOM structure:

<div>Hello <span>world</span></div>

You can locate by text substring, exact string, or a regular expression:

// Matches <span>

// Matches first <div>
page.getByText('Hello world');

// Matches second <div>
page.getByText('Hello', { exact: true });

// Matches both <div>s

// Matches second <div>


  • text string | RegExp#

    Text to locate the element for.

  • options Object (optional)

    • exact boolean (optional)#

      Whether to find an exact match: case-sensitive and whole-string. Default to false. Ignored when locating by a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.



Matching by text always normalizes whitespace, even with exact match. For example, it turns multiple spaces into one, turns line breaks into spaces and ignores leading and trailing whitespace.

Input elements of the type button and submit are matched by their value instead of the text content. For example, locating by text "Log in" matches <input type=button value="Log in">.


Added in: v1.27 frameLocator.getByTitle

Allows locating elements by their title attribute.


Consider the following DOM structure.

<span title='Issues count'>25 issues</span>

You can check the issues count after locating it by the title text:

await expect(page.getByTitle('Issues count')).toHaveText('25 issues');


  • text string | RegExp#

    Text to locate the element for.

  • options Object (optional)

    • exact boolean (optional)#

      Whether to find an exact match: case-sensitive and whole-string. Default to false. Ignored when locating by a regular expression. Note that exact match still trims whitespace.



Added in: v1.17 frameLocator.locator

The method finds an element matching the specified selector in the locator's subtree. It also accepts filter options, similar to locator.filter() method.

Learn more about locators.


frameLocator.locator(selectorOrLocator, options);


  • selectorOrLocator string | Locator#

    A selector or locator to use when resolving DOM element.

  • options Object (optional)

    • has Locator (optional)#

      Narrows down the results of the method to those which contain elements matching this relative locator. For example, article that has text=Playwright matches <article><div>Playwright</div></article>.

      Inner locator must be relative to the outer locator and is queried starting with the outer locator match, not the document root. For example, you can find content that has div in <article><content><div>Playwright</div></content></article>. However, looking for content that has article div will fail, because the inner locator must be relative and should not use any elements outside the content.

      Note that outer and inner locators must belong to the same frame. Inner locator must not contain FrameLocators.

    • hasNot Locator (optional) Added in: v1.33#

      Matches elements that do not contain an element that matches an inner locator. Inner locator is queried against the outer one. For example, article that does not have div matches <article><span>Playwright</span></article>.

      Note that outer and inner locators must belong to the same frame. Inner locator must not contain FrameLocators.

    • hasNotText string | RegExp (optional) Added in: v1.33#

      Matches elements that do not contain specified text somewhere inside, possibly in a child or a descendant element. When passed a string, matching is case-insensitive and searches for a substring.

    • hasText string | RegExp (optional)#

      Matches elements containing specified text somewhere inside, possibly in a child or a descendant element. When passed a string, matching is case-insensitive and searches for a substring. For example, "Playwright" matches <article><div>Playwright</div></article>.



Added in: v1.43 frameLocator.owner

Returns a Locator object pointing to the same iframe as this frame locator.

Useful when you have a FrameLocator object obtained somewhere, and later on would like to interact with the iframe element.

For a reverse operation, use locator.contentFrame().


const frameLocator = page.locator('iframe[name="embedded"]').contentFrame();
// ...
const locator = frameLocator.owner();
await expect(locator).toBeVisible();




Added in: v1.17 frameLocator.first

Use locator.first() followed by locator.contentFrame() instead.

Returns locator to the first matching frame.





Added in: v1.17 frameLocator.last

Use locator.last() followed by locator.contentFrame() instead.

Returns locator to the last matching frame.





Added in: v1.17 frameLocator.nth

Use locator.nth() followed by locator.contentFrame() instead.

Returns locator to the n-th matching frame. It's zero based, nth(0) selects the first frame.



